


Shed your Spots for Spring with IPL

Got spots? Consider shedding that skin damage for a spring refresh on your face and chest with an IPLseries. Many of Dr. Springer’s patients at Renew Medical Spa have unwanted brown spots from summer sun. Other patients desire a reduction in freckles, age spots, redness or rosacea. Years of sun exposure and general wear-and-tear leaves skin damaged and discolored, and sometimes with broken capillaries. One of the best non-invasive treatments we provide to tackle these issues is intense pulse light photo facial (IPL).

How does IPL work? Simply put, light energy treats the condition of unwanted pigment. This photo facial uses multiple wavelengths of light that are attracted to abnormalities in the skin. When the light interacts with these abnormalities, we say bye-bye to brown spots, redness, and broken capillaries. IPL draws pigment irregularities to the surface of the skin, and the body sloughs them off. Our photo facial treats face, chest, neck and hands.

IPL also assists in smoothing and tightening the skin. It encourages collagen growth, as well as a reduction in pore size. A treatment takes about 30 to 45 minutes. It is beneficial for a patient to complete a series of 3 to 5 treatments, spaced approximately 3 to 4 weeks apart. After that we can move to a maintenance schedule.

The recovery from IPL is quite easy. Patients experience slight redness to the skin and possibly very slight swelling. These symptoms may last a day or two. The unwanted pigment turns darker, and then over the course of about 7 to 10 days these spots will actually lift off the skin and flake away. Visit our website for more information on intense pulse light photo facial or call our office at 337-436-3840. ‘LIKE’ Renew Medical Spa on Facebook for exclusive specials and giveaways. Happy Spring!

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